Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Diaspora: The Future of decentralized network depend on the community

Introduced as the open source alternative to Facebook, Diaspora community network is now a community project entirely.

The founders of Diaspora project announce a change in the development of their community network. Past two years, the team has completed the development of the open source project and managed to raise 10,000 dollars to the sponsorship system Kickstarter. Now, it is the community itself that will design the next evolution of the service.

Diaspora network was announced in February 2010 and launched as an alpha version 9 months later by providing developers with the tools needed to host a community network. The platform includes several classic features of Facebook but is based on a decentralized system, guarantee a better security. Diaspora can be installed on the server of a person or on its own host, but the team also welcome members of servers pre-configured with automatic updates.

The team said it had opened his account on Pivotal Tracker for suggestions on features to be introduced or modified and provide developers whether to accept a mission. This decision is similar in some ways to that of Mozilla recently decided to relocate its evolving software Thunderbird in the hands of the community.

The four founders should focus on a new project unveiled last month and called Makr.io. It proposes to create and then publish his "memes" that have diverted these images in particular contribute to the popularity of Tumblr.

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