Israeli settlements in occupied East Jerusalem and annexed may make "impracticable" a two-state solution Israeli and Palestinian leaders warn of mission of the countries of the European Union in Jerusalem a report obtained Wednesday, February 27 by AFP and also recommends that member countries to prevent financial transactions for settlements.
In a report, the leaders of the EU mission in East Jerusalem and Ramallah (West Bank) recommend the 27 member states to "prevent financial transactions to discourage and learn about their problematic consequences, including Regarding foreign direct investment, for activities, services and infrastructure in the settlements. "
"If the application of the current Israeli policy continues, especially colonization, the prospect of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states, Israel and Palestine, became almost impassable," according to the report, which describes the colonization of "more great threat to a two-state solution. " "For the two-state solution is achieved, Jerusalem must become the future capital of two states, Israel and Palestine," say the leaders of the EU mission, lamenting that "Israel actively perpetuating its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem is ".
Colonization is "systematic, deliberate and provocative," according to the text, which accuses the process "undermine trust between the parties, jeopardizing the prospects of creating a physical viable and contiguous Palestinian state and make compromises for peace more difficult as the settler population is increasing. " The document points in particular settlement on the south side of Jerusalem, which threatens to create an "effective buffer between East Jerusalem and Bethlehem [the West Bank] by the end of 2013" and the E1 project that "divide the West Bank into two separate parts north and south. "
In this report sent to Brussels, the Heads of Mission recommend to "intensify efforts to counter the EU settlement in and around East Jerusalem, which is a particular threat to the two-state solution." They also call "to ensure strict implementation of the Association Agreement EU-Israel, including the products manufactured in the settlements do not enjoy preferential treatment" under this Agreement.
Despite proclaimed the annexation of East Jerusalem and "although Palestinians constitute approximately 37% of the population of Jerusalem, the municipality does not spend more than 10% of its total budget in the Palestinian areas," are the Heads of Mission EU.
Israel considers Jerusalem as its capital "unified and indivisible." But the international community does not recognize the annexation in 1967 of the occupied eastern part of the city, where 200,000 Israelis live in areas of Jewish settlement, which the Palestinians want to make it the capital of the state which they aspire.
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